Celebrating 50 Years of Colorful Connections in Inclusive Education

Together, our Village Paints a Brighter Future

  • Reconnect

    We don’t want to leave any friends out! As we celebrate our 50th Anniversary, it is our goal to reconnect with as many Alumni Families as possible! We want to hear your stories, share in your joy, and celebrate together.

    If you know of any Open Door families who may have lost touch over the years, please share this survey with them so that we can get in touch!

  • Reunite

    Saturday, April 12th @ 10am

    You don’t want to miss this party! We’ll have:

    Musicians, Jugglers, & Magicians

    Tacos & Cupcakes

    An All Adaptive Playground

    Cake, Rattle, & Roll Cakewalk

    An Open Door Village Reunion!

  • Reminisce

    Take a trip down memory lane with a visit to our photo archive. Photos are organized by year to make it easy to navigate.

    A huge thank you to Memory Forward for helping us preserve these priceless memories! Their digital archive ensures that our 50-year legacy of inclusive education will live on for generations.

    Have photos to add? Email: Kati_Garrett@opendoorpreschool.org