Meals and Nutrition
We believe nutritious foods are critical to the healthy growth and development of the children in our care. Children learn and play best if their nutritional needs are met, so our policy is only to serve nutritious foods at Open Door. We provide two (2) nutritious snacks to our children daily. We aim to serve snacks from various food groups and expose children to new foods and tastes.
Sleep Policies
We provide at least two (2) hours of daily rest/nap time for all children. Children who do not fall asleep are allowed to participate in a quiet activity (reading, for example). Infants set their own sleep schedule. They are placed on their back when placed in their cribs to sleep. No items are allowed in infant cribs while infants are napping. This includes, but is not limited to, blankets, toys, plush toys, pillows, and music boxes.
Signed permission slips are required for all children needing medication (including creams) while at school. Exact instructions about dosage, time, and days for giving each medication must be noted on the chart in your child’s classroom or school office. All medications must be in the original container and prescribed by a physician for the use of the specific child.
Open Door Preschools does not provide care for sick children. Children should not be brought to school when they are too ill or uncomfortable to participate in daily activities, including outdoor play. Children who become sick at school must be picked up from school as quickly as possible to avoid exposing other children. Children will be sent home if they have:
A fever of 100.4°F or higher (taken orally) or a temperature of 99.4°F or higher (taken under the arm)
Unexplained diarrhea or vomiting
Unexplained rashes
General inability to participate in school activities
Discharge from, or crusting of, the eyes
Greenish discharge from the nose
Excessive coughing
Open Door Preschools prioritizes the health and safety of our employees, children, and families. With this in mind, we monitor and closely adhere to recommended guidance issued by Austin Public Health and the CDC.