Frankie Major (L, Assist. Site Director at Central)
LaTrice Jones (R, Assist. Site Director at North)
For your dedication and recent (April 2024) completion of the TogetherforChildren (T4C) Leadership Course of the Texas Child Care Leadership Academy.
Open Door Preschools is delighted to be counted as one of Austin’s Best Places for Working Parents in 2024
We are honored by this recognition of our family-friendly policies and practices that help employees and parents thrive!
Nira Changwatchai Living the Mission Award Recipients
2023: Vanessa Grant (M Station) and Gally Vallejo-Mercado (Central)
2022: Armando Ruiz (M Station) and Katie Prescott (Central)
Carlene South ‘Better Together’ Award
2023: Anaelys Prieto (M Station) and Chelsea Shorey (Central)
2022: Sandra Riley (M Station) and Dawn Goetzel (Central)
Open Door is a proud All Together ATX Fund grant recipient (2020):
A partnership between Austin Community Foundation and United Way of Greater Austin.
The All Together ATX fund supports organizations that are working on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are grateful to be part of a community that recognizes childcare as a critical need and essential service. Healthcare workers and other essential workers cannot provide vital services unless they have childcare. Open Door is honored to care for their children so they can care for others. We are ALL TOGETHER ATX.
City Council Proclaims June 20, 2019
“Larry Elsner Day”
Peter Cooper, teacher at Open Door’s Central campus, is a 2019 recipient of the Terri Lynne Lokoff, Children's TYLENOL®, Children's ZYRTEC® Teacher of the Year Award!
Nationwide, only 50 teachers receive this award, which recognizes teachers whose work in the field is innovative, creative, and inspiring. The award committee was quite impressed with Peter's proposed classroom enhancement project to build a chicken coop!
Every day, Peter exemplifies all the traits that make a quality early childhood educator GREAT! We are lucky to count him as one of ours. We love you, Peter!
Nira Changwatchai Living the Mission Award Recipients
2019: Frankie Major (Central), Emily Lyon (M Station), and Sandra Riley (East)
2018: Catherine Knowles (Central), LaToya Payne (M Station), and Samra Butt (East)
2016: LaTrice Jones (East); Crystal Fox (M Station); Patti Ruiz (Central)
2015: Peter Cooper (Central); John Seibold (East); Joann Satberry (M Station)
2014: Ana Prieto (M Station); Rihab Nassif (Central); Megan Stewart (East)
2013: Danni Dieckman (Central); Carlene South (M Station); Sheila Matthews (East)
2012: Morgan Del Valle (East); Veronica Rodriguez (East); Diana Peyton (Central); Leisel Schmidt (M Station); Bonnie Ricks (M Station)
2011: Janis Morgan (Central); Tracey Matchefts (M Station)
2010: Jackie Goodman (Central); Brandy Griffin (East)
2009: Missy Sanchez (Central); LaTasha Baldwin (East)
2008: Melinda Harris (East); Ken Richards (Central)
2007: Debbie Cooper (M Station)
2006: Mary Ann Valdez (Central)
2005: Michele Naumann (M Station)
Congratulations to Missy Sanchez on being honored by the Board of Directors for 20 years of service at Open Door Central!

Missy started at Open Door as a floater, working with teachers and kids in all the classes at our Central school. Over time, she became Assistant Site Director and then Site Director. Social Worker Diana Peyton described Missy as 'the glue' of the Central school. Staff and parents alike are inspired by how she embodies the Open Door way, and Executive Director Larry Elsner and Board members spoke highly of her leadership abilities. Larry remarked that there are (collectively) 144 service years among the 'old timers' at Central — such longevity speaks well of the culture at the Central School and reflects her effective leadership — "that's something you can be really proud of."
"It's such a wonderful community. It's very common to see kids and families returning to visit Open Door Central -- it leaves an impression on them...Missy's leadership sets the tone...we can count on all of you, especially Missy, to take the time [with children and parents]. I really appreciate it." -- Meghan, current Open Door parent
"She's an amazing director. She trusts that things will be handled appropriately, with best practices." -- Danni, Assistant Site Director
Because of Missy, "we created friendships we still have from our time there. We have bonds we wouldn't have had without Open Door Central." -- Laura, former Open Door parent
In speaking about her career at Open Door, Missy said, "Open Door is the only school I've ever worked for. I'm an introvert by nature, and it helps to have an extrovert for an assistant!… I've learned so much from this community -- people I respect and admire have helped me grow in ways that have opened my mind and given me skills to open other minds. Thank you"
The Board of Directors recognized Central staff, Diana Peyton and Danni Dieckman, on their 15-year anniversary with Open Door.

Diana is a Social Worker at Central and began her career with Open Door as a social work intern with Executive Director Larry Elsner. She's now a staple in the community and, this past April was a panelist on the OutYouth/Open Door Community Event 'When Young Children Explore Their Gender Identity.’
Danni has been with Open Door for *16* years and is the Assistant Director at Central. Site Director Missy Sanchez praised her spirit and energy and how much the kids and parents adore her.
Diana and Danni are deeply devoted to Open Door's mission and, in Missy's words, "we are lucky to have both of them at Central.”
Congratulations to Stephanie Cruz and LaToya Payne on their five-year service anniversary.

The Open Door Board of Directors and M Station Site Director Tracey Matchefts recognize Stephanie Cruz (L) and LaToya Payne (R) on their five-year anniversary with Open Door. LaToya and Stephanie are very strong early childhood teachers, meeting the kids where they are in a loving, kind, and inspiring way. They are also recipients of the Nira Changwatchai Living the Mission Award -- LaToya in 2018 and Stephanie in 2017.
Congratulations to Megan Stewart and Liz Holder-Crawford on their five-year service anniversary.

Executive Director Larry Elsner, East School Site Director Sheila Matthews, and Board Chair Tony Clark presented the Open Door Board of Directors Certificate of Appreciation to teachers Megan Stewart (L) and Liz Holder-Crawford (R). In addition to their exemplary work as teachers, Megan and Liz are also Open Door parents, and Liz has previously served as Assistant Site Director at the East school. CONGRATULATIONS, MEGAN AND LIZ!
CONGRATULATIONS to Mary Ann Valdez, recipient of the 2018 Madeline Sutherland Award for outstanding service to children with special needs/disabilities and their families.
The 2018 Madeline Sutherland Award Winner!
Mary Ann teaches at Open Door Central and is pictured with Central Site Director Missy Sanchez (l) and Assistant Site Director Dani Dieckman (r).
Among the letters supporting Mary Ann's nomination for the Madeline Sutherland Award, one Open Door parent said, "...I should clarify that while my son's confidence and coping abilities have improved, he still needs and receives Mary Ann's support. This is not a transformation story of my son being X, and now he's Y. This is a story of resilience: my son is an X, and Mary Ann has helped him be a superhero X-man. By accepting who he is and meeting there, Mary Ann has helped my son feel free to be and become all he can be."
The Madeline Sutherland Award is given by the Austin Chapter of the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children (TXAEYC), and we are delighted to have another one of our teachers recognized by TXAEYC. CONGRATULATIONS MARY ANN!!!
Certificate of Recognition - Semi-Finalist, Early Childhood Provider
Open Door Preschools was a semi-finalist in the Early Childhood Provider category of the 2018 H-E-B Excellence in Education Award. Over 1400 applications were received from across Texas, and categories included Teachers, Principals, Districts, Early Childhood Providers, and School Boards. Only 25 Early Childhood Providers made it to the Semi-Finalist round, and we are grateful to H-E-B and our community for this recognition. THANK YOU!
Recognizing Excellence: Open Door Celebrates the AAEYC Awards!
Read about the 2017 AAYEC Teacher Excellence Award Recipients: Chantal Mbaya and Brandy Griffin
25 Years with Open Door Preschools!
Marking his 25th anniversary as an Open Door Central teacher, Ken Richards has always had a magical relationship with his kids. And -- the hallmark of a great teacher -- he continues to be fascinated by each and every one of them. For many, Ken is synonymous with Open Door.
Our teachers are deeply committed to Open Door, and nearly half of them have been with Open Door for five years *or more*! We deeply appreciate all of our teachers and give a particularly grateful shout-out to everyone who has been with Open Door for 15 years or more: Mary Ann Valdez (off-and-on for 25 years!); Rihab Nassif (21 years); Missy Sanchez (19 years); Debbie Cooper (16 years); Dani Dieckmann (15 years); Larry Elsner (15 years); John Seibold (15 years).